Myopia Control

Clarity For All Ages

Our children rely on their vision too much to ignore it and our seniors deserve to see well even in their later years

Myopia Starts Early in Life

Myopia often begins during childhood or as the eye grows, causing light to focus in front of the retina

All Too Common

Around a third of the world's population struggles with some degree of myopia that number is only increasing

What is Myopia?

Refractive Error

Affects the ability to see for extended distances effectively

Heightened Risk

Lots of close work or parents with myopia can increase risk

Very Common

Researchers believe myopia could effect nearly half of the world's population by 2050


Myopia develops when the eye grows too long, or the cornea grows too steep

Does Your Little One Struggle With Myopia?

A few signs of myopia can be worsening school grades, difficulty with games & sports, sitting closer to screens or monitors, headaches, eye rubbing, head tilting while reading, and more.