Medical & Emergency Optometry

Contact Lens Complications

Prompt emergency care for contact lens complications is crucial to prevent further damage and ensure a swift recovery


We offer medical care for conjunctivitis aka "pink-eye" addressing and treating this common eye condition

Corneal Scratches & Abrasions

Delivering specialized medical care for corneal injuries, aiming to facilitate healing and quickly relieve discomfort

Managing Your Symptoms

Emergency Assessment

Rapid evaluation of external eye injuries is essential for accurate diagnosis and timely intervention to mitigate potential complications.

Immediate First Aid Measures

Implementing appropriate first aid, such as irrigating the eye, protecting it from further damage, and applying necessary medications.

Specialized Treatments

Employing advanced treatments, including prescription medications, therapeutic contact lenses, or surgical interventions, tailored to the specific nature of the external eye injury enhances the overall management and recovery process.

Long-term Care & Follow-up

Establishing a comprehensive plan for long-term care, coupled with regular follow-up appointments, ensures ongoing monitoring and adjustment of the treatment approach, promoting optimal healing and minimizing the risk of complications.

Emergency Eye Care

Take the proactive step towards safeguarding your eye health—call our optometry office today for comprehensive emergency and medical optometry services, ensuring prompt and expert care for your visual well-being